
5 Art Reviews w/ Response

All 16 Reviews

Amazing piece, you also convinced me to get the game.
I love the general shading all around and I really like how the hair looks. Again amazing work!

JessxJess responds:

Whoaaa! Then I can call this picture a success. Enjoy it!

Very nice for what it is. Cool work.

JaviJavi responds:

thanks bro means alot !

Nice work.

CooliSushi responds:

thank you :)

The piece is pretty solid. But the shoulder postions look off to how the sword is on him.

He sorta looks a bit stiff, and the shoulder feel like it should be more slanted down.

Other than that it's a nice piece for what it is.

P-cate responds:

Thank you for the observation! I did not make a previous sketch before painting so there are lot of things that may look off, And I'm sure that's not the only one--

This is really drawn out well. I can see that it's ice blasting out, ice can be hard to draw out when your trying to make it not look like a crystal. But I'm not 100% about the pacing of time on the 2nd page. I'll just say what I might able to tell.

(1st panel is ice shards falling down in front of the hero/swordsman ,again for the 2nd panel, step forward for the 3rd panel and pause for the 4th panel.)

Not sure if I got that right, but it feels like a really slow passage of time right there. But if you are going for it I'm sure you will make it have a good purpose. Not saying everything has to be fast paced just that when time slows down like that it makes me feel like something major is going to happen.

But well drawn out and can't wait to see more!

Fifty-50 responds:

Thanks for your comment! This is definitely rushed not denying that. Haha. This was a school assignment that asked us to make a 5 page comic. Haha. I wish I had more pages.

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